Now the federal Stafford loans are available with the fixed rate student loans for graduates who are attending the colleges or universities for at least the half of the whole course duration. If you search for the student loan program then will see that the Stafford loans are low cost and most common way to get the finance for the education.
There are two kinds of federal student loans available for graduates. First is subsidized and second is unsubsidized Stafford loan. The Subsidized Stafford loan is given to students according to their requirements. In this loan the interest rate is charged until you began the repayment or during periods of deferment. In this period the government subsidizes the interest.
On the other hand the unsubsidized Stafford loan is provided to any graduate student. In this the interest is charged from the time when the student gets the loan amount to the time when it is completely repaid in full.
Both of these loans are no cosigner student loans that makes students happy who don't have someone to be their cosigner. The benefits of these Stafford loans are;
- Low interest rates of 6.8%
- High Borrowing Limits
- Acceptance without credit scores
- No Repayments while in school
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